Management training and development tool deployed with AWS.
My specialities are SPAs, mobile apps, and serverless backend architecture. I live for user-centered design and eat, sleep, and breathe quick product iteration cycles.
Management training and development tool deployed with AWS.
Web and mobile versions of a social location sharing app running with geolocation APIs.
Coffee bean roast search and review platform.
Cyberpunk text-based adventure video game running as a true React-based SPA.
Survey tool for finding hairstyles and nearby barbers that can style them.
Takeout cocktail search for discovering restaurants in your area that .
I'm a self- / bootcamp-taught developer with a deep respect for and fascination with technology.
I grew up in Hawaii and Maine (nine years each). After studying moral philosophy and political science at the University of King's College in Halifax, I moved to Washington, DC to work in the U.S. Senate. I quickly found entrepreneurship a more compelling focus, and through it came to a deeper understanding and appreciation of technology.
Now I just want to find a project on which to go turbo.
Proficient at developing websites from scratch and utilizing features of HTML 5.
Able to implement rich styles, animations, and designs with CSS 3.
Skilled at building complex site features and functionality using ES6 Javascript.
Highly adept at delivering SPA and mobile solutions coded in React and React Native.
Competent at developing clean, responsive designs for new interfaces and layouts.
Able to deliver scalable code on teams using version control and continuous integration.
I want to be around people who set high standards for themselves and are energized by daunting challenges. I want 'difficult' to go hand-in-hand with 'daring'. I want to shun the question 'How can we make it harder to quit' and instead ask 'How can we make it irresistible to live without?'